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These micro-projects were started by the Bordeaux delegation of ENS which  stayed in the koldoise region in July 2010  and contributed to their financing:


Local micro projects

Training of 600 women in the manufacture of mango jam (fruit produced in profusion in the region but not exploited due to the lack of means of conservation, packaging and distribution) and milk jam  for times of scarcity; the second stage of this project being the artisanal, then semi-industrial manufacture of jams, in order to produce jobs and income for the population of the villages.

The July 2011 audit mission was able to  observation of a real appropriation of the technique and even of  new initiatives based on other fruits (such as cashew apple) and honey which replaces sugar which is too expensive on site. We therefore had confirmation that the milk jams helped them to get through Ramadan.

Participation in the financing of a class in the Bognangho village (district of Ndorna - department of Medina Yora Foulah) corresponding to 50% of the financial contribution of the rural community.


Contribution to the integration of women in lucrative activities by endowing the CRETEF (Regional Center for Women's Technical Education) with encyclopedias on needlework, documents on knitting, lace, manual work, various materials and sewing machines.

Training of these women in the manufacture of  laundry detergent  (scented with eucalyptus leaves)  and compost by reprocessing biodegradable household waste.

​ A millet mill and seeds were delivered to the village of Sibéré Koyo.

The ENS association will have participated up to 10% in this project, the rest is the responsibility of the village and the PAPIL (Support Project for Small Local Irrigation).


ENS was able to release the sum of 12,897,000 CFA (i.e. €19,690) for the purchase of a refrigerated truck which, from now on, will help the Kolda hospital for the transport of fresh food from the market garden valleys as well as fish, chicken and meat bought in Ziguinchor.


Establishment of micro-credits for women in the Kolda region.


It is certain that particular attention must be given to the development of micro-finance given the frequent non-adherence of formal financial institutions to initiatives of the population in search of a starting fund for an income-generating activity.


Part of the donations received by the last container (essentially clothing) was given, for resale, to the women who came forward for this pilot experience. The proceeds constitute a starting fund for a micro-enterprise.


At the same time, the ENS mission entered into contact with local banks and the Chamber of Trades so that a business creation facilitation program could be tested: allocation of short-term loans for small (but sufficient) amounts to people driven by a spirit of initiative and without access to the traditional banking system.


Pending a national action plan for the construction of a financial sector accessible to all, associations such as ENS can modestly help the female population to considerably increase their economic and social power and thus better integrate gradually into the economies of their region and country.

- Manufacture of heat-sealed bags for packaging and storing milk.


For lack of process of conservation and distribution of the local milk of the region (whose vegetation offers the opportunity to develop cattle breeding), 95% of the milk  consumed by the local population comes from the United States (powdered milk).


On-site research found a company that could sell heat-sealed bag making machines. The Echange Nord Sud association is studying the feasibility of such a project for the various villages in the region.

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