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Aid to scouts

In 2010 and 2011, a partnership of the association with the scouts of the Kolda region had enabled the organization of two mixed camps for adolescents during which they were able to benefit from training organized by ENS: making jams and using stoves economic and  solar ovens that they continue to popularize among the village populations they visit.

They have currently taken up the torch of the distribution of economic stoves and  solar ovens. They are also heavily involved in the reforestation of the region.

The open-air film festival (scheduled for  end of the year  2013) will benefit  also their contribution.

In addition to the activities planned in their action plan, these scouts, in collaboration with groups of scouts from other regions, have taken new initiatives on their own in order to:

  • to organize the collection of urban waste (on circuits covered by carts pulled by donkeys)

  • to familiarize the population with sorting and composting techniques

  • to make small pillows using recycled plastic bags

  • to actively participate in the replanting of the Zighinchor mangrove

Some of their facilitators have benefited from organic farming training in order to pass on the new techniques acquired in the context of school gardens and advocacy in the villages.


Thus, in 2013, Echange Nord Sud continued its partnership, with financial assistance to the Eclaireurs de Kolda around the collection and recovery of waste as well as the creation of market gardens in bush schools to provide lunch for schoolchildren. . A grant of €200 was granted in 2012 to  for the organization, in Dakar,  75th anniversary  scouts.

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