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Chicken coops of the Sahel

The henhouses of the Sahel are a micro-credit project started in 2013 in the north of Burkina Faso in the village of Bilinga. To start the project, sixty five thousand CFA francs (100 euros) are allocated to the women of the village by the President of Echange Nord Sud in order to set up local chicken farms, which can provide them with a sustainable income.


In order to favor the collective interest and female solidarity, a local monitoring committee has been created  who is in charge of selecting the 6 women who will receive ten thousand CFA to start their activity. The following year, these 6 women will have to donate the amount received to another woman in their neighborhood, chosen again via the committee. It should be noted that the choice of breeding is left to the discretion of the women.

During his trip in July 2015, the President of the association was able to see the success of the project: to date, 24 women have been able to benefit from micro-credit (6 additional women per year) and all have made profits thanks to this activity. The improvement in the food consumption of families is also one of the spin-offs of this project that should be noted.


The henhouses of the Sahel are therefore a project on a human scale with very encouraging results and whose benefits were quickly visible!

Every mission  in the village is an opportunity to see this project grow, the women becoming more and more united and efficient.


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